2022 York BID AGM
We want to say a massive thanks to all of you who attended our 2022 AGM.
It was great to see so many businesses and partners turn out and to have a chance to catch up in person, and to welcome new Directors to our Board.
We’d also like to say thanks to Malmaison, York for hosting us and to our speakers Max Reeves from Helmsley Group and Rachel Cowgill from Street Life for their contributions.

For those who couldn’t make it, the slides to Andrew Lowson’s presentation can be accessed via the following link: https://www.theyorkbid.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/York-BID-AGM-Presentation_14-July-2022.pdf
We are not able to share Max’s presentation at this time as Helmsley’s printed materials are still in development. We will however to look to share plans for the Coney Street redevelopment project once these become published.

The minutes of the AGM are available on the downloads page of this website.
To ensure you’re kept informed of our latest news and projects please sign up to our newsletter mailing list using the signup box below.
If you have any questions or ideas for the BID that you weren’t able to share with us at our AGM you are welcome to get in touch with us via our Contact Us page.